CYCLING: Past and Future Rides
15th September 2024
By Chris McDowell
Hello Fellow Pedallers,
Do you ever have a sore backsider after a long ride? Winston sent this link from the ABC, it may be helpful for those who come home from a long ride with a sore butt.
If you wish to contact the coordinator, please do so only by email at or as my phone number won't be working and so text messages won't get through.
The Past Cycling Week,
Monday: Ballina ferry Wardell, just 8 riders, must be too many people travelling to get a look at the world before world war III and a Trumpian USA. Thanks for leading Alan
Monday: , Just Col and Faye out today, just too many folks away,
Tuesday: Ballina Town ride. for something different, the sometimes less populated Ballina town ride had 11 starters, beating the rest of the week added together. It seems there might be something to those later starting times. Well done leader Kerry,
Wednesday, nothing scheduled
Friday, nothing happened
Sunday: Interlaken, Vicki tried to get up a crowd for a good long ride, she couldnt get any takers, so she did it alone. Wald Hotel to Grindewald and return, seems to take a while on a train, so Well done Vicki, I'll find out later how she went.
Here is our Forward Program til the end of September, and some of next year:
Not a lot of detail here, please check these rides on EVENTS in the app or on the website.
Monday 16th September, 8.00 am, Ballina Lennox, 29k, about 300m
Tuesday 17th September, 8.30 am, Ballina easy and Social 30k max
Wednesday 18th September, 8.30 am, Ferneligh Clunes Cric, 31k, 570m
Friday 20th September, 8.30 am, Billinudgel, Main Arm, Mullum, Ocean Shores, 32k, 350m
Monday 23rd September, 8.00 am, Ballina Ferry to Wardell circuit, 34, flat.
Tuesday 24th September, 8.30 am, Ballina easy and Social 30k max
Wednesday 25th September, 8.00 am, Alstonville Tregeagle Tucki Rous, 41k, 650m
Friday 27th September, 8.00 am Newrybar Tintenbar Knowckrow circ, 28k, 403m
Monday 30th September, 8.00 am, Ballina Lennox, 29k, about 300m.
October 19th, 20th, 21st, Tyalgum weekend of events, Camp, Cycle, Kayak, Walk, Eat Drink, Cycle on 20th, 55k, 800m, 12k gravel, not for road bikes. Keep an eye on Jungle for what else might be on that weekend.
AND, for 2025
28th April to 16th May 2025, 3 weeks, Moss Vale and Victoria Rail Trails and Roads, registrations open 30th June 2024, 8:30 am FULLY BOOKED, Wait-list Available.
Happy and safe cycling until next time. Cheers, Chris McDowell
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